I am a new customer.
By creating an account at Katahati you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an orders status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made.
"To Login as a Whole saler please follow this info"
Click " CONTINUE " see on the bottom,
On the page of "MY ACCOUNT INFORMATION" please complete the form and make your password,
Remember to insert: VAT number and click to continue.
After that procedure we will recieve a notification of your application in our system.
We will switch over your status in our wholesaler category A S A P.
The next step click again Dealer /Log in now you have
to insert your Email address and password in ” I am a returning customer ”
Now you should be able to shop with a wholesale prices, for further help and information please dont hasitate to contact us
“ Well come to Katahati and have a nice browsing “ |