The payment for the goods can either be by cash or Endverbaucher and abroad
Advance payment made by bank transfer.
For dealers with invoice payment within 10 days.
Changes must be agreed in person with us.
The ability to discount does not exist.
Until full payment the goods remain our property.
All prices listed Retailers (GH) gesetzl.geltenden net prices plus VAT.
Minimum order 100, - €
All genenanten sale in the shop (UK) are gross of VAT, incl. applicable VAT.
Minimum purchase 20, -€
The payment for the goods can either be by cash or Endverbaucher and abroad
Advance payment made by bank transfer.
For dealers with invoice payment within 10 days.
Changes must be agreed in person with us.
All postage and shipping charges for shipments bears Empfänger.Mindestabnahme calorie consumption 20, - €
Postage + packing flat rate up to 2 kg + 5, - €
Postal delivery fee + 5, - €
Minimum purchase Dealers 100, - €
Postage + packing flat rate up to 10 kg + 10, - €
Over 10 kg and more costs for dealers within / outside the EU
Please note that we are dealing with our products exclusively to needlework.
In color, size, weight and texture variations may occur.
Defects of this type do not obligate us to exchange, discount, or to take back the goods.
An exchange must include any reasons and is in written form by fax or 0511-4735238
email to katahatiexotic@yahoo.de, in writing or by returning the goods
Katahati, Bartweg 20, 30453 Hannover, explain within two weeks.
For period keeping the punctual sending off.
After receiving the goods, we check these for completeness, functionality, and any damage perfect condition.
If we do not figure complaints or the article does use phenomena, we are able to request compensation for damages up to.
Please note that returns must be sent the goods are in a state that corresponds to the normal use for the purpose of examining the goods.
Should everything be in proper condition, they will return on our risk and costs for the cheapest shipping rate for the Deutsche Post AG, unless the value a gross of 100, - € below.
In this case you have, if the goods ordered to bear the cost of the return.
Please let us also with the return of their account information so that we can refund you the amount.
Eighth note when sending in an orderly and well protective packaging and,
that for all returns postage and handling charges are borne by the shipper to
because non-free programs are not generally accepted by us.
Even for damaged goods are only subject to a right to exchange within two weeks after mailing date.
Please check our supplies after receiving the goods immediately on the regularity
and completeness.
Complaints about faulty or incomplete delivery to us immediately upon receipt
the goods in writing.
As a gun to the customer service is first, at our discretion, either repair remedy
or giving free replacement or a Otherwise withdraw from the contract.
The gun goes right to benefits, if changes were made to the goods supplied by the customer or a third party for damage due to improper handling,
or trauma from the outside, as well as normal wear.
For delivery against payment of the invoice date of the invoice due date occurs 10 days
after billing.
Other agreements in writing.
The withholding of payments, deductions, or the settlement with one of us disputed
Counterclaims is not permissible.
Deliveries take place as soon as possible.
The quantities of delivery be delayed until full clarification of the order.
Delivery times are subject to our written confirmation.
Veinbarte delivery is exceeded by more than 6 weeks, so Katahati has set an appropriate grace period.
Equipment failure, events of force majeure, including administrative orders and
Difficulties in the procurement of supplies shall entitle us to the fulfillment of adopted
Supply commitments to change or cancel the contract partially or completely, with
Claims for damages or replacement to the extent permitted by law, excluded
All orders are placed with us only after our written confirmation accepted.
Deviating from our terms and conditions or additional conditions of the customer
and any verbal agreements are valid only in the case of our written confirmation.
All-inclusive cost of any order for payment of all legal, notary and legal fees, the customer shall be jointly and plus 50, - € handling fee
Place of jurisdiction is Hanover.
The rules of the Civil Code.
Bank: Sabine Krummradt
Hannnover Sparkasse BLZ 250 501 80 Kto 311 232 87
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